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So What? Now What?  FORMCHECKBOX  Socratic Dialog  FORMCHECKBOX  E-I-A-GAuthentic Assessment  FORMCHECKBOX  Observation Checklist  FORMCHECKBOX  Portfolio  FORMCHECKBOX  Rubric  FORMCHECKBOX  Test and Quizzes  FORMCHECKBOX  Thinking Map  FORMCHECKBOX  Graphic Organizer  FORMCHECKBOX  Notebook Entries  FORMCHECKBOX  Logs  FORMCHECKBOX  Performance  FORMCHECKBOX  ProjectLesson Objectives Describe staff responsibilities and three common procedures used to coordinate staff actions Compare the three types of staffs and their relationship to the commander List the nine-step sequence of command and staff actions in the correct order Clarify the scope and purpose of the commander's estimate Define key words: coordinating staff, course of action, echelon, personal staff, special staffLegend: ( Indicates item is not used in lesson ( Indicates item is used in lessonLearning Materials: Student Learning Plan, Student Text, Visual #1, Thinking Map samples, Basic Command and Staff Assessment Task, Graphic Organizer samples Supplies: Chart Paper, Markers Resources: Cadet Battalion Executive Officer, Cadet Notebooks, LET CM, Computer with Internet Access, Monitor, Overhead Projector, Classroom Performance System (CPS), Cadet Portfolio McRel Standards: Grade-level benchmarks for the McRel Standards can be found in your JROTC Instructors Desk Reference.Lesson Preview/Setup: Inquire - Guide cadets to the learning objectives and key words in their Student Learning Plan and preview the lesson activities. Display Visual 1 for cadets to observe and analyze the structure of the chain of command. Gather Divide the cadets into 7 teams. Provide chart paper and markers and assign one topic per team to research. Have teams create a Thinking Map to explain their topic and present it to the class. Process Guide cadets to volunteer for one of the battalion staff positions. Guide the Cadet Battalion Executive Officer to facilitate a staff planning exercise to provide the Battalion Commander with two options for visits to local places of interest. Apply Copy and distribute Assessment Task and scoring guide to cadets. Guide cadets to complete the Basic Command and Staff Assessment Task. Part 1: 45 minutes Phase 1 -- Inquire: Setup: Prepare to display multimedia items including: Focusing Question(s), Key Word(s), Visual #1, and Flow Chart Provide chart paper and markers. Direct Cadet Focus: Guide cadets to preview the information in the Student Learning Plan including the competency, core abilities, performance standards, learning objectives, key words, learning activities, and assessment activities. Guide cadets to read Learning Activities 1 and 2 in their Student Learning Plans. Ask cadets to think about the structure of their Cadet Battalion and their chain of command. Learning Activity: (addresses Student Learning Activities 1 and 2) Display focusing question(s). Display Key Word(s). Display Visual #1: Basic Command and Staff Principles. Designate one cadet to serve as class recorder and to prepare a blank chain of command flow chart. Instruct the class to identify how the structure of their Cadet Battalion differs from Slide 1 in Visual 1. Guide the cadets to label the positions and names of their Cadet Battalion chain of command on the blank flow chart. Self-paced Option: Guide cadets to view Visual #1 and have them construct a similar flow chart of their Cadet Battalion chain of command. Reflection: Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: Why do you think you need to know about your battalion organizational structure? What else would you like to know about your battalion organizational structure? Total Time: 20 minutes  Phase 2 -- Gather: Setup: Prepare to display multimedia items including: Thinking Maps and Reinforcing Question(s) Provide chart paper and markers. Assure that cadets have student textbook. Assure that cadets have their Cadet Notebook. Direct Cadet Focus: Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 3 and 4 in their Student Learning Plans. Instruct cadets to think about how decisions are made at the battalion level. Learning Activity: (addresses Student Learning Activities 3 and 4) Divide the cadets into 7 teams and provide the teams with chart paper and markers. Display Thinking Map samples. Assign each team one of the following topics: Command Authority and Responsibilities, and Delegation of Authority Command and Staff Actions Staff Organization and Staff Authority and Responsibilities Types of Staff and Common Staff Procedures Sequence of Command and Staff Actions Estimate of the Situation in the Sequence of Command and Staff Actions Purpose of the Estimate and Scope of Command and Staff Actions Instruct each team to research the student text and create an appropriate Thinking Map describing the definition and characteristics of their assigned topic. Guide teams to present their Thinking Maps to the class and post them where everyone can reference them for the Process phase. Display reinforcing question(s). Self-paced Option: Guide cadets to complete the above independently and to record their Thinking Maps in their Cadet Notebooks. Reflection: Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: What did you learn from the student text about command and staff procedures? Why do you think delegation of authority is important? Why do you think common staff procedures are important? Total Time: 25 minutes  Part 2: 45 minutes Phase 3 -- Process: Setup: Prepare to display multimedia items including: Visual #1, Flow Chart, and Reinforcing Question(s) Inform Cadet Battalion Executive Officer that he or she will be facilitating a staff planning exercise. Provide chart paper and markers. Assure that cadets have their Cadet Notebook. Direct Cadet Focus: Review with cadets where they are in the learning process. Brainstorm on the board the key concepts and supporting activities introduced during Part 1 of this lesson. Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 5 and 6 in their Student Learning Plans. Inform cadets that they will be participating in a simulated staff planning exercise and to think about the roles that each staff position plays in the exercise. Learning Activity: (addresses Student Learning Activities 5 and 6) Display Visual #1: Basic Command and Staff Principles. Guide cadets to volunteer for all of the battalion staff positions except for the Executive Officer. Be sure to include company commanders. Instruct the class recorder to write the names in the flow chart. If necessary, assign more than one cadet to the positions in order to get everyone involved. Instruct the Battalion Commander to provide the battalion staff with an estimate that the cadets need to visit a local place of interest for educational purposes. The battalion can only visit one place, but to plan visits to two local places of interest. Examples include City Hall, the court house, a local business, or another school or college. Instruct the actual Cadet Battalion Executive Officer to facilitate the planning process using the nine-step sequence of command and staff actions, making sure to get information from all of the staff positions. The plans should include possible benefits of the visit, transportation, meals, communication, emergencies, and other equipment needed to complete the mission successfully. Instruct cadets that they will present the battalion commander with two options and that the battalion commander will decide on which option based on its merits for an educational experience for the cadets. Guide cadets to present the two options to the battalion commander. Instruct the commander to accept one of the options and to explain why that option was chosen. Display reinforcing question(s). Self-paced Option: Guide cadets to think about a project that they participated in that took a lot of planning and coordination, and to write a summary about the similarities between that project and the command and staff procedures used in this lesson. Cadets include the written summary in their Cadet Notebook. Reflection: Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: What did you learn from this activity? Why was this activity important? Total Time: 30 minutes  Phase 4 -- Apply: Setup: Prepare to display multimedia items including: Basic Command and Staff Assessment Task Distribute the Basic Command and Staff Assessment Task Direct Cadet Focus: Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 7 and 8 and Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2 in their Student Learning Plans. Copy and distribute the Assessment Task and scoring guide. Instruct cadets to form into pairs with a cadet from a different group than in the Gather or Process phase. Ask cadets to think about the responsibilities and procedures they observed in the Gather and Process phases of this lesson. Learning Activity: (addresses Student Learning Activities 7 and 8) Preview the directions for the Basic Command and Staff Assessment Task. Guide cadets to complete the assessment task in pairs. Self-paced Option: Complete the assessment task independently. Reflection: Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: What did you learn today that you most valued? How did this lesson help you to better understand the role of the battalion commander and the staff? How can you apply what youve learned in your everyday duties and responsibilities? Assessment: (addresses Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2) Guide cadets to complete the summary part of the Basic Command and Staff Assessment Task. Instruct them to use the scoring guide to self-assess their work. Have cadets submit their work for feedback and a grade. Have cadets place their completed assessment in their Cadet Portfolio if desired. Total Time: 15 minutes Homework: Cadets may need more time to complete the assessment task and lesson review questions.  Note on Cadet Portfolios: As cadets work through the lessons in this chapter, remind them to add completed documents to their Cadet Portfolio. Portfolios can be arranged by topic, chapter, or LET depending on your needs. Refer to the Cadet Portfolio Assessment Task in your JROTC Instructors Desk Reference for ideas on setting up and evaluating Cadet Portfolios. Note on using the Classroom Performance System: Use the Classroom Performance System (CPS) with cadets to ask questions during lecture, administer tests, quizzes and other class work, grade homework, and/or engage in team activities. Refer to the CPS Training for additional uses of this tool for learning and assessment.      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